Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB) holds its first Board meeting since the municipal election.

EMRB Board Group Mayors only

Edmonton, AB – Today, EMRB welcomes its 2021/25 Board members at its first meeting of their term. Among the first items of business, the seven returning and six new Board members appointed a Board Chair and Vice Chair, along with Committee members.

The EMRB is pleased to announce the appointment of:

  • William Choy, Mayor of Stony Plain as Board Chair, and
  • Allan Gamble, Mayor of Parkland County as Board Vice Chair.

Mayor Choy continues as Board Chair, a position he has held since September 2020. His new term will extend until December 31, 2022. Mayor Gamble’s role as Board Vice Chair will be effective January 1, 2022 until December 31, 2023. Mayor Gamble will succeed Mayor Hnatiw who has held the position since October 2020.

As is customary, the Board will fully consider its options for Board Chair over the upcoming year, and whether it wishes to continue with an elected Board Chair or a non-elected Board Chair going forward.

With a mandate established by the Province of Alberta, and guided by EMRB’s Strategic Plan, EMRB has been entrusted with implementing an award-winning 30-year growth plan, along with implementing a metropolitan region servicing plan (MRSP), for the Region.

The Work Ahead

Over the next few months, the Board will evaluate its accomplishments to date and prioritize the initiatives of regional importance that it intends to focus on for the next four years, to successfully execute its provincial mandate.

“This Board has an important task ahead, to consider the work that has been achieved and ensure we come together to leverage opportunities and tackle complex issues so that our residents, businesses, and municipalities continue to succeed and thrive. Our work is legacy work, we focus on the bigger picture, knowing the decisions we make today will help to ensure a prosperous Region for future generations.”

Mayor William Choy, Board Chair

“I’m looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and working with the other member municipalities to create the conditions for a prosperous and attractive Region.”

Mayor Allan Gamble, Board Vice Chair as of January 1, 2022

Quick facts

  • The EMRB is one of two provincially mandated regional growth management boards in Alberta.
  • Our Region is home to 1.3 million residents that represent one-third of Alberta’s population and one-third of the province’s economic activity, creating a dynamic and growing economy that is a magnet for people, businesses, and investment.
  • The EMRB’s growth plan, Re-Imagine. Plan. Build. received the 2017 Canadian Institute of Planners Award for City and Regional Planning Excellence. It looks at critical questions relating to accommodating one million more people and 450,000 jobs in a holistic way. It considers what makes each municipality unique and sets a path for the Board to create the conditions for a more prosperous Region for future generations.
  • The MRSP is an essential tool created to support the implementation of the regional growth plan. It is key to realizing the projected savings of 160 km2 of land (equivalent to the size of Elk Island Park) and $5 billion in infrastructure (equivalent to building 300 new schools) and is important to all member municipalities.

Related Information

EMRB growth plan: Re-imagine. Plan. Build. (Fact Sheet; Detailed Plan)
Metropolitan Region Servicing Plan (Fact Sheet; Detailed Plan)
Biographies: Board Chair and Vice Chair

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