Elected to Parkland County Council in 2021. Currently serving his first term as Mayor.
Mayor Gamble’s family has been part of Parkland County’s community since the early 1900s. He has a background in finance and has served as a volunteer for many charities.
Although this is his first term in public office, he brings years of experience as a businessman and as a volunteer, including his time serving as a public member on the municipal planning commission for Parkland County. He also has over 25 years of executive level experience for entrepreneurial start-up companies and multinational organizations.
As a mayor, you need to be a leader and team player at the regional table and build strong relationships with neighbours and partners.
Mayor Allan Gamble
The Grove Examiner
September 2021

Leadership within the EMRB
Board Chair (November 2023 to present)
Board Vice Chair (January 2022 to October 2023)
Member Audit and Finance Committee (AFC) (January 2022 to present)
Member Growth Plan Five-Year Interim Review Task Force (April 2022 to present)
Impact across the Region
Mayor Gamble’s vision is future-focused. His priorities are bold and align with the work of the EMRB. His passion is rooted in the success of agriculture, and he knows that by focusing on the implementation of a regional agriculture master plan (RAMP) and the creation of value-added agriculture and agri-food sector jobs, we can work together to increase our Region’s economic prosperity by an estimated $10 billion.
Because of his entrepreneurial background, Mayor Gamble is an advocate for creating the conditions to attract new businesses and investors that foster sustainable growth and innovation, and a high quality of life for our citizens for generations to come.
Mayor Gamble understands that digital infrastructure, notably broadband, is a top priority and an essential service to ensure the economic and social well-being of the Region. He is a champion, along with other leaders in the Region, for more reliable high speed service.
He also advocates strong relationships with regional neighbours and partners through Parkland County’s participation in Edmonton Global, Edmonton Regional Airports Authority, and the Collaborative Economic Development initiative.
Parkland County Municipal Profile