Served three terms as City of Edmonton Councillor between 2007-15. Currently serving his first term as Mayor.
Mayor Amarjeet Sohi arrived in Edmonton over 40 years ago, and worked for the City for over 10 years as a bus driver. In 2015, Mayor Sohi jumped into federal politics and was elected as a Member of Parliament for Edmonton Mill Woods. He served four years, including as Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, and Minister of Natural Resources.
We all know that when Edmonton thrives, our entire Region thrives—and when our Region thrives, Edmonton thrives.
Mayor Amarjeet Sohi
State of the City
May10, 2022
Leadership within the EMRB
Board Member (October 2021 to present)
Alternate Member Audit and Finance Committee (AFC) (January 2022 to present)
Alternate Member Governance and Human Resources Committee (GHRC) (January 2022 to present)
Impact across the Region
Mayor Sohi’s passion lies in ensuring that everyone has a place to call home, addressing core housing needs and building a thriving City for all. He is also a strong advocate for developing the downtown core, knowing that a strong core results in a strong Region.
As the Region grows, Mayor Sohi has advocated for ensuring our parks remain vibrant and ecologically resilient. This is particularly true of the North Saskatchewan River valley and ravine system, which is one of our Region’s greatest environmental assets, running from Devon to Fort Saskatchewan—the largest continuous park system in Canada.
He promotes working with Indigenous community members to ensure traditional knowledge informs the preservation and restoration of natural spaces.
He also advocates for a prosperous and competitive Region as a representative for the City at Edmonton Global, Explore Edmonton, and the Collaborative Economic Development initiative.
Edmonton Municipal Profile