Elected to Fort Saskatchewan Council in 2007. Currently serving her fourth term as Mayor.
Mayor Katchur grew up on a farm just outside Spirit River and later moved to the Edmonton Region, where she married and raised her family.
Prior to seeking office, she spent 17 years working for the City of Fort Saskatchewan where she garnered an in-depth knowledge of municipal government.
Through the IRTMP, we are delivering a truly integrated, forward-looking plan for efficient movement of goods and regional mobility to connect our communities to what matters and our economy to the world.
Mayor Gale Katchur
EMRB News Release
June 10, 2021

Leadership within the EMRB
Member Growth Plan Five-Year Interim Review Task Force (April 2022 to present)
Vice Chair / Chair Governance and Human Resources Committee (GHRC) (June 2021 to September 2021 / February 2022 to February 2024)
Member / Chair Integrated Regional Transportation Master Plan Task Force (IRTMP) (June 2019 to September 2019 / October 2019 to August 2021)
Member Shared Investment for Shared Benefit Task Force (SISB) (December 2018 to August 2021)
Member Growth Plan Update Task Force (November 2013 to August 2016)
Member Land Use & Planning Committee (November 2013 to April 2017)
Member Transit Committee (July 2014 to June 2017)
Impact across the Region
As one of the longest-serving Board members, Mayor Katchur has helped to shepherd the Region’s growth plan from its infancy through important milestones.
As Chair of the IRTMP, Mayor Katchur provided leadership to ensure the EMRB delivered a future-focused plan for efficient regional mobility, connecting our communities, moving people and goods, and growing our economy.
She is also an advocate for strong intermunicipal relations. This belief is extended through to her work on various municipal and regional boards such as Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Association and Edmonton Global.
Fort Saskatchewan Municipal Profile