First elected to Town of Devon Council in 1997. Currently serving his second term as Mayor.
Mayor Jeff Craddock moved to Devon over 30 years ago. He was elected as Mayor of the Town in the 2021 election. Between 1997-2007, he served three terms, including one as Mayor.
Mayor Craddock has worked for the water and wastewater utility, as a water and wastewater instructor with the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) and provided water and wastewater management and training to Indigenous communities. He also served on the Devon fire department for five years.
Thank you all for joining us last August at the 2022 EMRB Golf Tournament. We couldn’t have asked for a better day to get together with our regional partners and support a great cause – the Leduc & District Food Bank.
Mayor Jeff Craddock
August 2022
Leadership within the EMRB
Member Audit and Finance Committee (AFC) (February 2022 to present)
Impact across the Region
With Devon being the west anchor of the North Saskatchewan River Valley and home to a vast trail system, Mayor Craddock is a strong advocate of recreation corridors. This speaks to the importance of integrated planning that fosters a high quality of life. By mapping out open spaces and identifying natural assets, the Region has opportunities to promote tourism and recreation for the benefit of all.
Mayor Craddock is also an energetic voice in highlighting the important R&D work happening at home and across the Region. Through regional assets like the Devon Research Centre and firms like CanmetENERGY, the Region is at the forefront of new technologies and innovative solutions that extract valuable hydrocarbon resources and reduce the environmental impacts of resource development.
Mayor Craddock actively participates with regional neighbours and partners in Edmonton Global, Edmonton Regional Airports Authority, River Valley Alliance and the Collaborative Economic Development initiative.
Devon Municipal Profile