First elected to the Town of Stony Plain Council in 2007, and Mayor in 2012. Currently serving his fourth term as Mayor.
Mayor Choy is an entrepreneur and the third-generation owner/operator of Bing’s #1 Restaurant, which has been operating in Stony Plain since 1970.
He is actively involved in the community and he has led a number of initiatives to make the community stronger and local government more transparent.
Mayor Choy actively engages with citizens over a cup of coffee and seeks to connect people with community groups, businesses, business owners, and town administration in ways that move the Region forward.
This Board has an important task ahead, to consider the work that has been achieved and ensure we come together to leverage opportunities and tackle complex issues so that our residents, businesses, and municipalities continue to succeed and thrive.
Mayor William Choy
Taproot Edmonton
Dec.15, 2021
Leadership within the EMRB
Board Chair September 2020 to October 2023
Board Vice Chair December 2017 to August 2020
Member Governance & Human Resources Committee (GHRC) (April 2021 to present)
Member Shared Investment for Shared Benefit (SISB) Task Force (December 2018 to August 2021)
Member Metropolitan Region Servicing Plan (MRSP) Task Force (February 2018 to August 2021)
Chair Transition Task Force (2017)
Alternate Member Land Use & Planning Committee (February 2014 to December 2017)
Impact across the Region
Mayor Choy values collaboration and the sharing of resources to yield maximum benefits for businesses and residents. As a member of Edmonton Global, and the Collaborative Economic Development initiative, he has played a key role in bringing partners to the table to support large infrastructure projects and investments in the local economy.
He is also keenly engaged in preparing the Region to address the increasing frequency of climate events. As a member of the Tri-Region (with Spruce Grove and Parkland County), the Capital Water Services Commission, and the Northern Alberta Mayors and Reeves Caucus, he reminds us that many of these issues cannot be addressed by a single municipality.
Stony Plain Municipal Profile